Brand: Lavan Refinery
Product: LPG
Specification: LPG , lequified Petrolium Gas ,Lavan Refinery,Ethane 0.2,Propane 20-30,Butane 70-80,Pentane 2,Hydrogen sulfhide Negative,Mercapatan Sulphur 0.23,
Quantity: 3700 Mt
Delivery term: FOB Lavan
Offer Date: 2024-06-16
PG Platts price for LPG is 569.5 USD/Mt
Discount on base of PG Platts: 160 USD/Mt
Price of LPG 409.5 USD/Mt
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LPG , lequified Petrolium Gas ,Lavan Refinery,Ethane 0.2,Propane 20-30,Butane 70-80,Pentane 2,Hydrogen sulfhide Negative,Mercapatan Sulphur 0.23,
LPG gas for export and use in home cooking and waming systems, gas power plants
For update of price and capacity please provide your last BL and business card along with LOI
LPG Lavan refinery OPAP offers consulting service to importers and exporters of LPG from Iran. Price of LPG is valid at the date of offer. Deal terms for buying LPG from Lavan refinery: Shipment and berth capacity for loading LPG from Lavan refinery: Vessels with length of 80 meter minmum and 130 meter max and width draft of 6.5 meter at most. contract Quantity must be 3700mt or a multiple of it. LPG from Lavan refinery is warm and semi compressed. Mix ratio of Butane and Propane differs according to seasons as table bellow in specification section. Price for LPG is based on two factors: a- Base price of butane and Propane as Aramco CP Saudi Arabia at loading days b- Premium or discount applied by Lavan Refinery according to market request The price of LPG with term of FOB Lavan and advance payment is as quoted above . The price of LPG from Lavan is valid at the date of offer. The customer only makes agreement on amount of discount or premium which will remain steady for agreed contract and quantity and section A of price will be regulated according to CP price at days of loading. Ethane in calculation of price will be added to Propane and Pentane to Butane. Inspection allowed from LPG storage in shore before loading by third party inspection company on buyer cost Payment is 102% of the value of PI in cash in advance to the refinery account out of Iran before loading Payment by domestic BG or LC with 30 days due date is acceptable. Delay in shipment more than 20 days result in cancelling of the contract Export declaration of LPG is with name of Lavan refinery. Please issue your LOI along with establishment papers of your company, fund proof, resume , passport copy and LOI to Lavan Refinery and second lOI for us as consulting company. Procedure: 1-The buyer signs purchase consulting contract and applies for payment guarantee in exchange shop 2-The buyer presents all documents and LOI to NIOPDC 3-Allocation will be obtained for the client and proforma will be issued by the refinery 4-The buyer commences for payment and delivery The buyer need to present LOI with resume and fund proof and passport copy and confirm of payment of purchase consulting fee.
lequified Petrolium Gas
Lavan Refinery
Ethane 0.2
Propane 20-30
Butane 70-80
Pentane 2
Hydrogen sulfhide Negative
Mercapatan Sulphur 0.23